Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers

Mouth Ulcers - Pain and and irritation inside your mouth. They look like white Grey pinheads with red halo. These occur due to a variety of reasons like stress and anxiety, nutritional deficiency especially of B vitamin, folic acid and zinc, certain medicines, food allergies, gastrointestinal tract diseases, infections such as thrush or herpes and even accidental bites or trauma from some sharp objects. Mouth ulcers should not be a cause of worry as they disappear within 3-10 days .

Here are simple home remedies for mouth ulcers.

1. Coconut Milk/ Coconut Oil / Coconut water : take some of any of these in your mouth and gargle with it. You may swish it around your mouth for several seconds before swallowing or throwing it out. Repeat this 3-4 times a day.

2.Mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda in half a cup of water. Take this solution in your mouth and swish it around there for about a minute. Spit it out. Repeat this 3-5 times a day.(It is alkaline and regulates our pH level that in turn may speed up the healing of your ulcers. Baking soda also has some anti-bacterial properties that may treat infections too.)

3. Mix salt with water. Take some saltwater in your mouth and swish it around in there for about 20-30 seconds.. Spit it out. Repeat till the water in the cup finishes. Do this 4-5 times a day.

4.  Take 6-8 basil leaves, wash them properly and chew them slowly feeling their juice in your mouth and coating the same on your ulcers. Crush some basil leaves and make a paste. Apply this paste to your mouth ulcers.

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